General Detail

Who attends this show?

Is the public invited to participate?

Do I have to bring my license to the show?

Where can I rent a motorized scooter?


How much does it cost to attend?

Can I apply more than one promo code to a purchase?

Do you offer group admission discounts?

Do Professional Beauty Association (PBA) members get a discount? 

Where do I pick up my badge?

What should I do if I forget or lose my ticket?

What if I need special assistance at the show? 


When will my badge be mailed?  

My badge has not arrived by mail, what are my next steps?  

My badge was lost or stolen, what do I do?

I arrived at the show but forgot the badge that was mailed to me at home. Now what?  

Show Floor Restrictions

Can I bring my child to the show?

Can I bring my pet to the show?

Can I bring a roller bag to the show?

Education and Certification

What type of education/conference program is offered?

Are CEU Credits available for attending classes?

Exhibitor Details

What types of companies exhibit at the show? 

How many exhibits will be seen at the Expo?

I am interested in exhibiting. Who should I contact?   


Is there anything else I should know about the show?

How can I join the mailing list or be notified about more information about the show?

Where the Beauty Industry Gathers!

Join us June 21-23, 2025!